Liebster Award ii
10:25:00 AM
Assalamualaikum dan hi ^^
Kali ini, di nominate oleh Hohoy.. hee hari tu Iola dah jawab dan follow rules from other two bloggers..jadi for this time being, i would just answer questions given only ^^..takkan nak buat banyak-banyak kali rules..hee tak special la kan =)
Soalan daripada Hohoy
- 1. what is the name of your first pet? i don't have my own pet..but if i had one, i would name it iola or shimin.. (iola actually named for my virtual cat..i played the sims..*sigh*)
- 2. do you have a crush? yeah i did
- 3. If someone say that he/she loves you, what would you say? Thank you :)
- 4. What color shirt are you wearing now? Light orange
- you ever feel awkward? with whom? nope,at this moment
- 6. hobby? playing games or crafting
- 7. Who is beside you now? nobody
- 8. are we friends? we're blogger friends
- 9. what is your real name? Prefer to know me Iola Caviar. Would love to remain anonymous for a while..hee
- 10. favorite place for holiday? the only place i spend holidays was only at Langkawi. Dreaming to visit other places as well.
- 11. Do you really feel annoying with this question? haha sorry. naah..i'm bored currently and i do have time to answer.
Fiza pun dpt.. tapi tak jawab lg.. gd luck... >_<